(Commenting on)  REPORT: Migrant crisis roils Boston area as school stands firm on residency policy, leaving migrant activists fuming



  1. Like I said before, move over culture of dumb your being replaced and the good ol corrupt politicians that you have supported for decades due to the freebie train have kicked you off. They have a new crop to grow, mold and control and it’s working. Ignorant fools.

  2. Good for the school! Proof of residency to attend school is nothing new here and is common sense. These migrant activists want there to be exceptions to all the rules or no rules at all. There is a lot of entitlement, but what else can you expect from people who come in illegally in the first place. They don’t respect our laws or our way of life. They don’t care about our values or our history. They want to be fully accepted and embraced without having to assimilate in any way.

  3. I think they should have to show ID or passport. I had to show my children’s records birth certificate. They were born to go to school. Why are they any different?

  4. They don’t have Constitutional rights when they are here illegally and it’s against the Constitution for them to be here illegally.

  5. Look all over Europe! That’s what our demoncrap cult is unleashing on us! I just can’t understand why! Do they really think these criminals will allow these stuffed shirt politicians tell them how to live?

  6. In my state they are approving sec 8 applications but do not have enough inspectors to approve the homes. Also the state has a back log of payments at least 3 months because not enough manpower to process payments. Illinois is a big ass shit show.

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