You have to question elections when someone like her is in office!
At least she is not trying to hide who she really is and what she really thinks . How any member of Congress could even work with this person is beyond me…
Her party needs to stand up and boot her out!
Censure this stinking terrorist beotch and physically remove her. Hey rashida, get your fucking palestinian rag flag out of OUR government building. It does not belong next to the US Flag. That building is a US Government building, you don’t own it. And, we don’t fly terrorist flags in our Government Buildings.
It’s no coincidence that Palestinians in Gaza are the other place in the world where tunnels are very popular with terrorists
Pray for Senate to pass. Talib is the enemy and terrorist.
This anti-American does not even TRY to hide her disgraceful behavior. Time to impeach her.
And revoke her citizenship!!!
You have to question elections when someone like her is in office!
At least she is not trying to hide who she really is and what she really thinks . How any member of Congress could even work with this person is beyond me…
Her party needs to stand up and boot her out!
What a disgrace to my state of Michigan!
Why not cement the openings to these tunnels. Shut them up.
Who in their right mind would vote against sealing up these tunnels? The enemy that’s who.
She needs to be removed from Congress. She is a threat to this country. I feel for the state of Michigan. Vote her out.
I think she should be the first one down the tunnel.
A disgrace to Michigan!
Censure this stinking terrorist beotch and physically remove her. Hey rashida, get your fucking palestinian rag flag out of OUR government building. It does not belong next to the US Flag. That building is a US Government building, you don’t own it. And, we don’t fly terrorist flags in our Government Buildings.