(Commenting on)  REPORT: Kamala Harris campaign fell DEEP in debt in final week



  1. This week just keeps getting better and better. I do feel really sorry for the brain washed people who gave her $ to waste when they can barely buy groceries.

    They had so much $ and wasted it on entertainment, bussing and paying “supporters” to attend her rallies.
    Money can’t buy class and intelligence no matter how much you spend.

  2. This article just gave my friend and I an explanation as to why we kept getting alot of emails the whole week before Election Day wanting donations.
    I guess because we were women. I haven’t voted democrat since 2008.
    I just kept replying Trump 2024 about 8 times per return e-mail. Lol They were getting desperate.

  3. What a waste of money spent on both sides. If a person can’t sell themselves personally by their campaigns, with just their verbal onset, then who needs them. That’s how I feel about it. That money could of helped so many people hurting in this 🇺🇸

  4. Harris spent $1.13 B in 100 days and is $20 M in debt and owes her staff. This is typical of the Democrats tax and spend platform. Only problem for Kamala kacklacking is she can’t just print more campaign money. She will just have to earn it the old fashioned way I guess.

  5. Unbelieveable. Typical democrats.
    Well if those celebs love KH so much, maybe they shouldve paid their own way! Stink/n hypocrites.

  6. The people who voted for her should know this. Here is one of the many reasons why we should not allow her to be president. She can’t control the money here what makes us think she can running a country? No thanks! I will take the business man

  7. All the celebrities should have appeared for free if they felt so strongly for her. Democrats just can’t get their heads around finance and a balanced budget. I have had to cut anything that remotely looks like fun spending so I can pay bills and have food to eat

  8. At least her campaign workers actually have something to be worried about because the Harris campaign will blame it Kommie Harrassment it’s imploding !
    You get what you deserve for kicking Jesus out of your party!

  9. Someone lined their own pockets heavily before they went in debt. SCAM/GREED not surprising! Our Country is in Serious debt. The demons stole Americans piggy banks, that believed, Kamala’s Lies! Wow

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