(Commenting on)  REPORT: Judge rules state’s six-week ‘heartbeat’ abortion law is ‘unconstitutional’



  1. This ruling subverts the Supreme Court ruling on Roe v. Wade that pushed abortion rules to the States to decide.
    This “judge” now wants it to be OK to kill a fetus at anytime during or after a pregnancy. With the logic of the Left if I decide to end an adults life for whatever reason, I can call it justified by calling it an abortion.

  2. It’s appalling that the judge overturned the Heartbeat Law! More and more will be burning in 🔥 for eternity …Unless it’s endangering a mother’s life,RAPE,OR incest there’s no reason to abort. So many are using this as a form of birth control. 🥲

  3. Obviously, an activist judge. He states that the state law is unconstitutional.
    SCOTUS ruled that authority for abortion was up to the states. So how can the law passed by Georgia be unconstitutional? His ruling will be overturned….

  4. The power of a woman to control her own body, to decide what happens to it and in it, and to reject state interference with her healthcare choices.
    That is until the China Virus 19; then the goverment became the soul custodian of all its citizens bodies. Meeting out untested and dangerous injections to the public under penalty law. Then its not your body or your choice.

  5. OMG that is 5 1/2 months into the pregnancy. It is murder as far as I am concerned. How can a law be unconstitutional when the abortion issue was passed back to the states, the state approved it, voters voted on it, and the state is the one who adopted it when it was bounced back to them. This is sick. What a degenerate judge.

  6. Life starts at conception. If a woman is raped she should still have to bear the child. Why kill the child for its fathers wrongdoing? In the case of the mothers life I believe is the only reason.

  7. As a conservative I must agree with this decision. I don’t agree with abortion at any stage of pregnancy, however my beliefs alone should not be forced into the moral decisions others. The viability argument needs more definition, but is a wise position and the best compromise you can expect in this issue.

  8. I think it is sad that a party has put abortion as their top priority. That is all you hear from them, Let me murder my baby.


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