(Commenting on)  REPORT: John Kerry targets First Amendment as a problem in the fight against climate change



  1. This horse face goon has a lot of nerve talking about climate change when he uses the company Heinz jet to fly around the country. What about that carbon footprint, john? Another piece of elite white trash. STFU.

  2. John Kerry targets First Amendment as a problem in the fight against climate change.

    In the arena of intelligent debate, the first amendment gets in the way of perpetuating the lies of climate change.
    If they had a better aurgument, maybe the public would would be swayed to their cause. But their arguments are nonsensical, the public having more intelligence than a small group of alarmists.

  3. Ground your Private Lear Jets Mr. Heinz!!! Climate change and systemic racism are the biggest political hoax ever created by the New Socialist Democratic Party

  4. I can’t stand that man! He along with his liberal cronies are just dying to chip away at our constitution, in particular the First Amendment. Their only goal is to control the masses!

  5. And ol long boat face, what is your carbon footprint? You f’n hypocrite, just like the rest of your cult libTARD devil DEMONcrates if you don’t like we the peoples republic and rules it was founded on you “change it” to fit your commie agenda. Another money maker that you clowns profit from typically overstepping boundaries that forces products to be manufactured outside of our republic. F’n po💩.

  6. The FIRST Amendment is Our first guard against totalitarian governments. They only put forth what they want their citizens to know. See Iran, Chyna and Russia as examples. Kerry’s Green Agenda is so fulls of holes it is laughable. If he truly believed his drivel, he wouldn’t live in many ginormous homes and fly around in a private green house gas spewing plane. So until you live the life quit trying to take OURS away from US!!!

  7. Well…. I’ll be in deep shit if they try and change the first amendment! I will not shut up I will not sit down I will NoT lower my voice!! I will fight fight fight !

  8. Kerry is the one who is misinforming oeople about inmate change, maybe he’s tge one who needs to be silenced. All he and tge rest of these people want is the green new deal to kill our nation. Some people need to get a brain and use it.

  9. John Kerry during Trumps presidency went to several foreign leaders and asked them to stay calm that Trump would only be in for 4 years and then “they” would make corrections. Nothing was done about this treasonous idiot.

  10. I would consider him to be treasonous and against the Republic. He needs to find another country to call his home. He needs to be banished.


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