(Commenting on)  REPORT: Ivy League professors call for ‘militant democracy’ to block Trump from presidency



  1. I find it rich that communist professors like those mentioned in the article completely ignore that the democrats pulled off a coup against Biden and installed a Marxist like Harris…… and then say they are saving democracy while they shit all over it.

  2. Who do these fuckheads think they are, important or something? They have free speech but that’s about all they have. Remove them from their positions, deny any medical insurance and retirement benefits. Fire their asses. These two cockroaches should tell us how harris actually got in without being chosen and voted in. She was complicit in having joe removed. He was thrown under the bus by his own party and she and obama were part of it. Answer that you two cockroaches. She slithered in like a water moccasin hunting its prey. That is a threat right there to our democracy. Her fucking ass should be in GITMO for treason against America along with joe biden, his hooker/drug loving son hunter, his brother, mayorkas and that ugly wretch lowlife hillary. Someone please super glue her throat. These pigs are all a threat to our sovereignty.

  3. Isn’t it how amazing that the LibTard DemoncRats say Our President TRUMP is the problem and they then spell out that it is REALLY them they are talking about!

  4. These people have lost their minds.
    They hear and twist Trump’s words to benefit their ideology.
    Yet they also discount the fact Americans are voting and if done legally without cheating will decide.
    I am not convinced these crazy leftist Trump haters won’t stoop to trying to stop Trump before the election again. Or even after the election.
    Their fear mongering falls in deaf ears because we hear what Trump thinks and says outloud we do not hear what the left is saying behind closed doors. However we have seen with our own eyes the people defending Trump being destroyed we have seen Trump arrested and dragged through court cases. Who exactly is going after their enemies.
    Trump has said he doesn’t have time for revenge he only has time to fix the country

  5. People like this is trying to turn our country into a communist country. From what I have been seeing and hearing these so called professor don’t have the education that they think they have. The last four years these so called professor only teach woke, and brainwash our kids today. I have read and seen what these professor are teaching and it’s all about sex. They have their mind in the gutter and want these kids that way to. I’ll take Trump anytime over these Democrats that has communist.

  6. These self rightious liberal fascist’s would make Joseph Goebbels and Adolf Hitler proud. They would have held high office in Germany’s Third Riech. Silencing anyone who will not accept the their lies. These are the type of people who thought the final solution to the Jewish problem was an excellent idea when they murdered six million innocent human beings.

  7. The hypocrisy is deafening. They want to USE the very power they claim to want to “protect the democracy from” 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️. This is the “fundamental change” Obama put into action

  8. The very people that promote anarchy, let the DOJ go after parents, go after women for praying (even silently) allow porn they won’t allow in prisons in children’s schools, …that’s the Biden/Harris regime. Trump loves our country and the people. These professors need terminated from teaching. No wonder the kids are freaking jihadis.

  9. OMG please reassemble the committee. We need Cheney plus dear old Benny. We need to save our democracy. Hillie Clinton can ride in on her donkey . Between the three of them we are safe. Lord the world had got to be wondering how we came up with these fruitcakes. These people can not actually believe this crap.

  10. If they choose the militant direction, I know a couple of hundred million people they need to fight. But we have guns and know how to use them Mr. Professor! Crawl back in your communist hole and stay away from the man who will save our country.


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