(Commenting on)  REPORT: Illegal aliens outsmart Democrats, launch attacks targeting Obama and Biden’s playground



  1. Getting a little closer to home now isn’t it obama, joe and kamala the kackling kommunist kunt? When something happens to one of their own, they will finally get their heads out of their asses.

    • How about the authorities whacking the package off these maggots, then putting them behind bars with an ostomy bag they will have to use for the rest of their miserable lives.

  2. Let’s dump about 20K Haitians in that area and see how they like it? And yes, I have close friends that have been on mission trips to Haiti and they do eat dogs and cats!

  3. Funny how when it actually is at their door step it makes a difference. My home town of Concord Mass is taking the old prison and making it a migrate center. The tax payer, schools and economic damage the illigals are causing because of Biden Harris open boarder to get voters is backfiring because the Dem voters now are voting against them.


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