(Commenting on)  REPORT: Illegal Aliens Camp in City Streets as Biden’s Shelters Overflow and Gang Violence Grows



  1. Let’s quit calling them migrants. Let’s call them what they really are Illegal Invaders. They must be dealt with harshly or they will keep coming. Deport, deport deport. The criminals need to be flown over their country of origin and dropped out of the planes…this would be a big deterrent!

  2. And yet ,they pushed Covid shots on everyone! These folks aren’t vaccinated,period 🧐Doesn’t make any sense whatsoever! Vote Ted before it is too late!!!!

  3. Watched a short video yesterday where the a guy had a bodega receipt left behind by an illegal. The woman had over $13,000 on her EBT card and an additional $4400 for food. This was in NYC. And you wonder why they go there? Every stinking one of the invaders get thousands monthly.

    Will be interesting to see what happens with them living in the streets when winter hits.

    And another thing… across the country, they all want work permits. Exactly where are the 20 million unskilled jobs where you don’t need to know our language? Unemployment is going up. How many Americans are losing their jobs to the invaders, like the thousands of Tyson jobs given to illegals after firing Americans? Recession is predicted (although is already here- Biden-Harris changed the definition of recession ) – how many businesses are either going to cut back or fail, further causing job loss?

    These invaders are sucking the life blood out of this country. Cloward-Piven I’m action.

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