(Commenting on)  REPORT: ICE confirms Aurora, Colorado gang members are in the United States illegally, released by Biden admin [Mugshots]



  1. It should say that they were released under the HARRIS/biden administration. COUPed Joe hasn’t been in charge since Jan. ’21. Camel-la and her handler Barry O have been ruining things since then.
    🇺🇲 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇲

  2. Ok are they going to be deported or are they going to be released to continue their illegal activities. I piss on you PHONY CORRUPT Establishment Democrats. 🇺🇸 We the people Trump Vance 🇺🇸

  3. I would bet that’s not their real names. Plus the came across in pairs with almost identical names. Something is fishy here and it stinks

  4. So the illegally cross out borders then commit acts of violence. Get bailed out of jail not removed immediately but allowed back to the streets where they commit more crimes and Americans are okay with this because of the few families that just want a better life. Though those same families are being terrorized by these same people

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