The guiltiest of them all and he’s going to be pardoned and touted as innocent. At least our guy won.
Send him to jail.
Biden needs to pardon all the J6 victims in jail! Trumps case has been dismissed so let those people out of jail and publicly apologize.
Hunter is a REAL criminal.
Well guess what he got his pardon.
Despicable little prick will get off for selling out America along with his dumb ass donkey but brain dead meat suit father joe.
It would be brilliant she says. That’s funny, I don’t ever remember any democrat making any concessions to republicans when the Democrats held power. So now it would be brilliant to help out the democrats.
Pardon done by biden
He (Hunter Biden) was just pardoned an hour ago. Covers any offenses he committed from 2014 to 2024.
Rules for thee, but not for me.
Two tier justice system.
Well well well…. NOT a surprise. Criminal family.
Why, is hunter going to turn on joe if he doesn’t pardon him? Is there a threat involved to expose all joe has done in the way of treasonous activity to America?. This prick doesn’t deserve to be pardoned. Do the crime, then do the time.
Go ahead, you corrupt old fck, pardon your slimy brat, that should keep Republicans in power for decades.
Screw Hunter and the biggest racist, liar, son of a bi*ch Biden. I still believe that Biden was involved with the attempt on Trump’s life. The man is pure EVIL!!!
Looks like another turkeys gonna get pardoned Gobble Gobbled
12/31/24 11:59:59 PM with one second to spare 😀
Screw that
Screw that!
The guiltiest of them all and he’s going to be pardoned and touted as innocent. At least our guy won.
Send him to jail.
Biden needs to pardon all the J6 victims in jail! Trumps case has been dismissed so let those people out of jail and publicly apologize.
Hunter is a REAL criminal.
Well guess what he got his pardon.
Despicable little prick will get off for selling out America along with his dumb ass donkey but brain dead meat suit father joe.
It would be brilliant she says. That’s funny, I don’t ever remember any democrat making any concessions to republicans when the Democrats held power. So now it would be brilliant to help out the democrats.
Pardon done by biden
He (Hunter Biden) was just pardoned an hour ago. Covers any offenses he committed from 2014 to 2024.
Rules for thee, but not for me.
Two tier justice system.
Well well well…. NOT a surprise. Criminal family.
Why, is hunter going to turn on joe if he doesn’t pardon him? Is there a threat involved to expose all joe has done in the way of treasonous activity to America?. This prick doesn’t deserve to be pardoned. Do the crime, then do the time.
Go ahead, you corrupt old fck, pardon your slimy brat, that should keep Republicans in power for decades.
Screw Hunter and the biggest racist, liar, son of a bi*ch Biden. I still believe that Biden was involved with the attempt on Trump’s life. The man is pure EVIL!!!
Looks like another turkeys gonna get pardoned Gobble Gobbled
12/31/24 11:59:59 PM with one second to spare 😀