(Commenting on)  REPORT: Horror on campus as Arizona college student is randomly stabbed by classmate



  1. Racist black pig …. so it had to be black on white, huh? This divides Americans even more. I wonder if the other person she was planning to attack was white also. This pig even looks like a terrorist.

  2. ASU is sadly a VERY liberal / leftist/ progressive institution . I live near one of the branches …they SUCK . This nasty javelins pig makes me sick . Yes black on white if it was REVERSED ….well we all know . I will be paying attention to what happens my prayers are with this sweet girl who did NOTHING.🙏 Good for the students who stepped in to stop the pig …..

  3. SURPRISE! The raciest culture of hate strikes again and of course crickets from the corrupt media. I guess us whiteys are “easy” targets. Pathetic junkie scumbags.

  4. We should just call it what it is. Whites and blacks both have the same. She is a n*gga plain and simple. Whites are also n*ggas when they act just as stupid

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