(Commenting on)  REPORT: Here’s a list of some ISIS-inspired attacks in the US



  1. I understand why people are upset that our government doesn’t lock these people up as soon as they say I’m ISIS. I personally think they should ship them off to the Looney bin.
    Do you realize the out cry of abuses? We want it both ways.
    When an attack happens we look for all the red flags. Lord there are plenty. It’s almost just like the stalker. You can stalk and terrorize someone but until you hurt or kill them nothing will happen.
    We learned NOTHING from 9/11 hearings.
    We will have more attacks and deadlier attacks all over our country because we are not wanting to hurt peoples feelings and we can’t count on our officials not to abuse their authority.if we can’t jail them then by Allah we should kick them out of the country


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