(Commenting on)  REPORT: Harris to Announce Soviet-Style Food Price Controls Under Guise of ‘Gouging Ban’



  1. Get ready for empty shelves!! This happened in the 70’s when the government put price controls in place on oil and gas prices. The result…long gas lines, higher prices and alternate days to fill your tank. I believe at one point there was even a limit on how many gallons you couple purchase.

    • You are correct! We had limits on quantity and dates we could get gas. As we waited in long lines oil tankers were parked off shore in Providence full of oil. I don’t think I want Harris’s America!

  2. There is no price gouging…companies have to charge more because it costs them more to ship their goods. It’s as simple as that! Strange..there wasn’t any “price gouging ” when Trump was in office…Harris tries to spin everything but it comes down to the Biden/Harris failure…and if she says she can fix it once she is President ….why can’t she fix it now since she helped cause it and she is still in office?

  3. That’s Commie-la.
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  4. these people dont understand economics partly because they have never had to compete in the private sector and believe the gov is the solution and has endless money to take care of everyone. communism is a cancer

  5. I’m so sick of government intrusion in our lives. They always say it’s to help you but it’s NEVER helpful, it’s ALWAYS destructive. To those who are Independents, please don’t take the bait. There’s always a hook that will cause you more pain.

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