(Commenting on)  REPORT: Gov. Newsom Signs 24 Gun Controls in California



  1. Um….our constitution bucks CA ch,#\,&# attempts to stop people’s God-given right to protect themselves.
    These newest should be challenged in court tomorrow!

  2. CA is and has been screwed politically since Reagan when the Left took over, thanks to voting machines and cheating (first time the machines were used, I thought I’d try it out. Watched my red votes turn blue on the screen and couldn’t do anything about it). The Left has a super majority in both Assembly and Srnate. That’s how Greasy gets all his f’d up bills thru.

    It seems to me that the political loony Left is ignoring at least one elephant in the room- the state with the toughest “gun control” laws has increasing gun violence. Obvious to me is that more control is NOT the answer. Law abiding citizens don’t need more control. CA is allowing crime to go rampant but do nothing to deter it. In fact, CA seems to encourage it


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