(Commenting on)  REPORT: Gov Newsom delivers big blow to California Democrats as he vetoes controversial housing bill



  1. My thought is that Newscum vetoed the bill for two reasons. First, they don’t have the money. The pot is empty. Secondly, he wants to appear to be a moderate when he runs for the WH in ’28.

    • My thought also.
      And can you imagine the blowback if CA spends money on this and he has bumbled his way past the Reparations stupidity?

  2. He’s no hero! He’s a commie like the rest of them. He destroyed CA along with c*ntmala so there’s no hiding this. Those illegals will just go to another state to get free stuff. Boo hoo no free money for illegals.

    I see it now. Discrimination marches and destroying of property like the BLM. I’m sure this isn’t over with yet.

  3. We don’t owe illegal freeloaders a damn dime. You mean for once, newscome finally got his head out of his anal canal.

  4. I had a feeling Greasy would veto this horrible bill. Nasty thing to pass during an election year. Would look bad on Kommyla, especially as she’s saying that she wants to give $25,000 to illegals (oops undocumented! 😡).

    And of course CA is broke! Illegals are sucking up resources like a tornado. It’s “free” everything to those basstyrds. There already were couple million in the state before the “border czar”, and I don’t even want to imagine how many more since Harris. No one is hearing about it because the state is so large plus the MSM would never report it. How much ya wanna bet there’s Venezuelan gangs in Oakland?

  5. The reparations bill will follow the same suit. There’s no money. California is $34 billion in debt. They’ve reached the end of the road

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