(Commenting on)  REPORT: GOP Chair threatens stiff consequences after Blinken is no-show for hearing on Afghan withdrawal



  1. Just like Blinken to ditch the hearing. He’s just following the lead of his brain dead boss. The CORRUPT O’BaDin administration is just sticking it to the Country once again. They are the “PARAGONS” of Democracy. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

  2. Waste of time. This corrupt administration doesn’t give a crap about the rule of law. Just do whatever they want and give the finger to anyone who doesn’t like it…

  3. Arrest him and get him to testify before the committee while shackled. Awesome optics right before the elections I think. Remember no one is above the law!!!

  4. This weaponized and corrupt DOJ will never do squat against a demoncrap cultist! They never have and ain’t going to start now

  5. All talk no action! Just like on every other issue caused by the democrats, send threatening letters and threats of fines or jail only to be given the middle finger and ignored. These Republicans are spineless, weak cowards!

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