(Commenting on)  REPORT: Google buries Trump campaign website under hit pieces, pushes Harris [Trump responds]



  1. Here we go again. Until there’s consequences to these media platforms, they will continue to be bias, underhanded and manipulative with the information.

  2. Pure and simple election interference by Google and the demonic left slime that the media is. Hope someone sues them to hell and back till they are bankrupt and put out of business. America hating sewer rats all of them.

  3. google the piece of shit that they are is the last search engine I would use. There are others out there. Use gaggle, and the first thing you see in the search is cnn abc msnbc and the rest of the disgusting alphabet soup.
    All in the same mold. fuck these propaganda sites. I hope eventually they all go down in the next earthquake.

  4. I noticed this several months ago. I usually just don’t pay any attention to it. I know it’s media the left pushes. Election interference.


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