I’m not surprised. They have elected the most radical Somali to Congress. She is a scam artist who needs to lose her citizenship and be deported for immigration fraud. When we learn?
The Somalis did not come here to assimilate but to bring their CORRUPT way of life here. With Barry’s help they are succeeding in building Samalia West. I’m surprised they elected Tampon Tim to be governor. Me thinks Ilhan’s brother/husband will get elected to the office soon. Terrorists in OUR own Country brought to you by Obama and his USA hating cohort🤬
I’m not surprised. They have elected the most radical Somali to Congress. She is a scam artist who needs to lose her citizenship and be deported for immigration fraud. When we learn?
And to think this was actually allowed to happen in our republic, why? This was ol big ears goal when that po💩 allowed these degenerate leaches into our republic. It’s the beginning of the end for our republic as we the people sit back thinking this will go away on its own, it will not and our sorry ass politicians endorsed these commies coming into and destroying our history, infrastructure and political arenas. You honestly think these scumbag leeches are here to make our republic better? Rude, demanding, dumb, nasty and arrogant po💩’s.
The Somalis did not come here to assimilate but to bring their CORRUPT way of life here. With Barry’s help they are succeeding in building Samalia West. I’m surprised they elected Tampon Tim to be governor. Me thinks Ilhan’s brother/husband will get elected to the office soon. Terrorists in OUR own Country brought to you by Obama and his USA hating cohort🤬
It shouldn’t be long before Omar cries racism and xenophobia.
Can we now start revoking their refugee status and send them home?
Wouldn’t that be nice!!!
Get them the hell out of our country!! Send them all home they are not welcome here !
Obama started this 💩 and we can thank him for the disease, crime, now theft and Omar. This is beat up all the way around. Send ALL OF THEM home.
That is just the tip of the iceberg, you also have a city that is almost all Muslim and they preach the distruction of the west