(Commenting on)  REPORT: Former national security chiefs backing Harris also signed infamous 2020 Hunter Biden letter



  1. The WHOLE Country knows what LIARS these people are since it has come to light that Hunter’s laptop was REAL. This just shows US what low levels the Cacklin’ Komrad and Stolen Valor Tim will stoop to.
    🇺🇸 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇸

  2. This should be no surprise to the masses, from a corrupt organization with no accountability. Why they hate DJT and are going to extreme measures to keep him out of the commie corrupt matrix that he exposed. It’s too big and powerful to stop.

  3. The TDS is very strong. Im quite scared of how this election will go. Too many people constantly repeating how “DJT lies”, over and over but never acknowledge the hypocrisy that KH lies about DJT lying 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

  4. The only reason they want this kam-u-nist, kommunist, konniving, kondescending, kon, kopykat, kackling KUNT is that she will follow orders and be TOLD WHAT TO DO, not make decisions on what to do. More freeloading fucking cockroach maggots will be coming our way continuing to destroy America and we will be paying for it. Don’t expect Trumps promise by the kopykat kommunist KUNT kamala to make America Great Again by cutting taxes on tips/overtime, stopping china in their tracks, defunding iran and all the rest of the terrorists, keeping abortion in the hands of the states where it belongs, drilling, allowing fracking. It won’t happen under the kackling KUNT. Nor will Seniors see an reduction in SS taxes that we already paid taxes on when we were working. These fucks really do want socialism changing to communism. brennan and clapper should be in GITMO awaiting the next (fill in the blanks) for treason.

  5. Hey anyone…… please advise if you have found any proof that President Trump referred to our Military as suckers and losers. I have been searching and can find nothing that substantiates him saying this or any video with President Trump actually using these words.


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