(Commenting on)  REPORT: Feds raid home of interim NYPD commissioner — week after predecessor resigned



  1. How about they do some raids on letitia james and alvin braggs offices or homes. See what they find there. How about jack smith who allegedly tampered with evidence in the raid at Mar-A-Lago, huh???????? Smith allegedly had his hand in the cookie jar, but found no evidence so he allegedly had some planted, right jack-off?

    • Let’s hope Trump turnes the tables and has these parasites homes raided once he’s back in office I’m imagining the TROVE of stuff they’ll find …..

  2. I’m beginning to think all of this shit in NYC is bringing down the low lying fruit so they can plant some fictitious bullshit against trump. All of a sudden the crooks in NYC are being raided. Something is fishy!!!!

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