(Commenting on)  REPORT: Federal court blocks ACA coverage for Dreamers



  1. This is a good start. The dreamers and other illegals are idiots. Had these dreamers left the UsA voluntarily years ago as asked to, they would probably already have at least permanent residency theough lefal applications. Yet theybsquandered all that valuable time here, protesting with arrogance.

  2. Yes, I say end birthright. That is the only way they forced themselves in here because they were born here to illegal parents. If parents are illegal, they are illegal. Cut them off from everything and return them to their homeland. I don’t give a rat if nancy pelosi doesn’t have illegals to pick her fucking grapes or clean her damn toilets. I hope the grapes all rot on the vines.

    • The Dreamers they are talking about weren’t born here. They came in illegally with their parents.
      The ones born here to illegal parents should have had a Foreign Born Birth Certificate per the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. That is why we got saddled with Kamala Harris as Vice President. Her parents were here on Student Visas.

  3. Yes! Not only end birthright citizenship but send back all who took advantage of America because of idiotic leadership!

  4. Yes! Great start!Our American children, and grandchildren have dreams too, and so do many Americans🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸so go back to where you came from! Illegals and anchor babies, dream in your own country, not America’s problem. Can’t feel sorry for you, American’s 1st🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸long overdue.

  5. About time that something get done to end their advantage to get benefits that first belong to American citizens. US become the laugh of the world. This is the end, January 20th can’t come fast enough. Sorry for the dreamers but we are tired of you people demanding the benefits not asking, most of you think and take for granted that the benefits you get are not legal they came from bad leadership. The time you benefit from our country is coming to an end.

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