(Commenting on)  REPORT: FBI agents group tells Congress to take urgent action to protect against politicization



  1. Funny how they want to take action to avoid politicalization. The whole January 6 investigations and what they themselves did at that capital on January 6 was politicalization and that’s why the actions that they’re concerned about now are being taken. Anyone who stands against what’s being done now to stamp out what was done on January 6 by the FBI and the DOJ in the aftermath is a scumbag and does not have America’s or the American people‘s best interest at heart in reality.

    • Well said. After 4 years of them wreaking havoc on the conservatives and President Trump, they can stuff it. HYPOCRACY at its finest.

  2. So what they are saying is please save our jobs , we are sorry we follow biden adminstration like sheep and went after ever conservatives out there !!

  3. Well maybe if the higher ups in the FBI gave reports that were requested for the last 4 years or so we the people wouldn’t think they have something to hide. Under Garland thing’s happened that shouldn’t have and hopefully we will find out why & who were behind it

  4. The question is not that Trump is weaponizing the DOJ. The fact are that the DOJ was already weaponized by the Democrats and was used by them to strong arm political opponents. Now they want to cry foul? Typical, just typical!

  5. All I can say is shut up! The FBI use to be a nonpartisan organisation with no campaign signs allowed in an agent’s yard, no political recommendations, endorsements, or statements to be said by any agent. But since 9/11 and the last few directors including Mueller and Comey, the organisation has become quite the opposite as we learn about the internal weaponisation it has used against people it is suppose to protect us from in the first place which is us.

  6. All we hear is it is not the everyday agents who are to blame for the crap coming out of the FBI. It’s the higher ups. But now we have agents attempting to save their bosses from being fired. Now who was involved in all the things coming out of that organization. I am beginning to believe that Patel needs to clean from the top down.

  7. Such disgusting hypocrites. We were forced to watch them destroy us allowing 20 million illegal unvetted a$$holes into our country and we pay for them. After all they did to destroy our country and her people…STFU.

  8. Guess they themselves should’ve followed the law and not allow themselves to be part of the politicization of the department! The FBI should be the premier law enforcement agency in the world not a political arm of any part!

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