Fauci is nothing more that a modern day Josef Mengele!! He needs to be euthanized like those pets were, ultimately!!
I believe Our Dear Lord, has apecial punishment for Fauci, and anyone that does harm to defenseless animals or children and senior citizens.
Euthanized!!! NOT! These animals were and are being TORTURED TO DEATH! I thought we stopped ALL ANIMAL TESTING YEARS AGO!!
Sick bastard! Poison him with the same crap and watch him squirm
Fauci/Mengele needs prison now.
Not prison, he needs a lethal injection. Just tell him it’s a covid shot and he won’t know the difference. He will be out like a light.
He should be In prison but sadly he’ll probably live out the rest of his life in his wealthy surroundings. I take solace that he’ll probably eternally live in the burning fires.
Satan is licking his chops for this lowlife POS. There is a special place in hell just waiting for him. He will burn for eternity. Did fraud-chi every think what his demise would be like after doing all the evil he has done. He will be joining hitler, mengelele, and those dead ragheads who were recently blown up by their pagers in their hands. Could not happen to a more deserving group of sub-human feces.
Just sickening!!!😡😡😡
Fauci is a sick, twisted POS 💩!!! L👀K at all the ppl he killed with aids in Africa and covid all around the world. I’m sure he’s tied with Bill Gates too!
Animal business is big here in our Country. And this is nothing but torture to these precious animals. He performs cruel and unusual punishment on these poor helpless animals
Reminds me of a modern day Holocaust for animals. And him & Gates must have something up their sleeves to deal to the ppl. AGAIN
Back to the Holocaust, it happened and needs to be put in History Books. Not perverse ideology BS.
Where is the SPCA? Humane Society? All of the animal rights groups? They’re normally rabid about cruelty to animals. They monitor the Iditarod sled dog race and scrutinize every move the mushers make and if a dog is injured or dies on the trail, there’s hell to pay. I don’t understand why there hasn’t been a big uprising over Fauci’s inhumane treatment of animals.
Fauci is nothing more that a modern day Josef Mengele!! He needs to be euthanized like those pets were, ultimately!!
I believe Our Dear Lord, has apecial punishment for Fauci, and anyone that does harm to defenseless animals or children and senior citizens.
Euthanized!!! NOT! These animals were and are being TORTURED TO DEATH! I thought we stopped ALL ANIMAL TESTING YEARS AGO!!
Sick bastard! Poison him with the same crap and watch him squirm
Fauci/Mengele needs prison now.
Not prison, he needs a lethal injection. Just tell him it’s a covid shot and he won’t know the difference. He will be out like a light.
He should be In prison but sadly he’ll probably live out the rest of his life in his wealthy surroundings. I take solace that he’ll probably eternally live in the burning fires.
Satan is licking his chops for this lowlife POS. There is a special place in hell just waiting for him. He will burn for eternity. Did fraud-chi every think what his demise would be like after doing all the evil he has done. He will be joining hitler, mengelele, and those dead ragheads who were recently blown up by their pagers in their hands. Could not happen to a more deserving group of sub-human feces.
Just sickening!!!😡😡😡
Fauci is a sick, twisted POS 💩!!! L👀K at all the ppl he killed with aids in Africa and covid all around the world. I’m sure he’s tied with Bill Gates too!
Animal business is big here in our Country. And this is nothing but torture to these precious animals. He performs cruel and unusual punishment on these poor helpless animals
Reminds me of a modern day Holocaust for animals. And him & Gates must have something up their sleeves to deal to the ppl. AGAIN
Back to the Holocaust, it happened and needs to be put in History Books. Not perverse ideology BS.
Where is the SPCA? Humane Society? All of the animal rights groups? They’re normally rabid about cruelty to animals. They monitor the Iditarod sled dog race and scrutinize every move the mushers make and if a dog is injured or dies on the trail, there’s hell to pay. I don’t understand why there hasn’t been a big uprising over Fauci’s inhumane treatment of animals.
Can we PLEASE do the same to that RAT ????
Slow painful excruciating death
I mean for Fauci
I mean for Fauci