The fact that this is even an issue is so sad . To think that as far as we have come in this world the education system has people so confused they do not have the ability to determine if they are male or female.
I have no words.
Even primitive man knew the deference male and female. These people today are to stupid to be able to tell if not only others around them are male or female. They can’t even look at a penis or vigina on themselves and make the assumption if they are male or female
It’s seems funny to me that man is supposed to be the most intelligent being on earth but some are confused about their own gender and yet there is NO confusion in the animal world!
AND several “European Countries” will fail, just a matter of time. Keep thinking your utopia is the answer. Your mass immigration and your woke ideology will bring failure. Your past history will be replaced and basically forgotten. Good luck because you’ll need lots of it.
Do they actually go thru this much trouble when they travel thru Mideastern countries? I mean, there would be some actual fear there…but America? So dramatic, all the way from the top! Just pick a sex btwn the two, cause honestly, we don’t give af!
Ask yourself, did you ever think that we would be talking about this insanity thirty or forty years ago? But, here we are..
The fact that this is even an issue is so sad . To think that as far as we have come in this world the education system has people so confused they do not have the ability to determine if they are male or female.
I have no words.
Even primitive man knew the deference male and female. These people today are to stupid to be able to tell if not only others around them are male or female. They can’t even look at a penis or vigina on themselves and make the assumption if they are male or female
What I voted for! You nut jobs need to look in your underwear if confused. Or better yet, stay the hell out of America if that is an issue for you.
It’s seems funny to me that man is supposed to be the most intelligent being on earth but some are confused about their own gender and yet there is NO confusion in the animal world!
AND several “European Countries” will fail, just a matter of time. Keep thinking your utopia is the answer. Your mass immigration and your woke ideology will bring failure. Your past history will be replaced and basically forgotten. Good luck because you’ll need lots of it.
If they don’t know their true sex, perhaps they should just stay home. Don’t need to bring their confirmation here.
Do they actually go thru this much trouble when they travel thru Mideastern countries? I mean, there would be some actual fear there…but America? So dramatic, all the way from the top! Just pick a sex btwn the two, cause honestly, we don’t give af!