(Commenting on)  REPORT: Education Dept. deletes thousands of webpages pushing ‘woke propaganda’



    • Amen to that Claude. I see jamie raskin was on again today lying. Do democrats ever stop bitching. I used to work with two men that continually complained about everything in the Dispatch Office. We got sick of them. Luckily both retired, and the entire office rejoiced when they were gone. We named one PAM (piss and moan) and the other BAM (bitch and moan). They always seemed to work the same days and shifts. We all celebrated on a kiss goodbye party but only after they were gone. They didn’t have a clue. We brought in sparkling grape and cherry drink and champagne shaped glasses and toasted their departure. We named it a “GONE FOR GOOD” office party. Someone even ordered Pizza that day.

  1. The correct garbage is being deleted. lgbtq+ and trans will not push themselves or their garbage on any of us or our children and grandchildren. Stay the hell out of our way. Now let’s make sure penises are kept out of Women’s locker rooms, out of women’s bathrooms, and OFF WOMEN’S SPORTS TEAMS. Get the hell our of our way. We are winning.

  2. Education department is seeing the writing on the wall and is doing a quick
    C. Y. A. But we all know they haven’t changed. The cockroaches are just retreating back under the rock they crawled out of for now. They will be back if they are not fully exterminated.
    “Close down the department of education because they are useless. Give the power back to the states where the constitution says it belongs.


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