(Commenting on)  REPORT: Democrats slam popular voter ID bill as racist and xenophobic in House floor meltdown



  1. The old standby canards: racist and xenophobic. How insulting to people of color that are US citizens. Of course you should not be able to vote if you are not a citizen. Democrats driving the country into factions, never uniting. Pray pray pray that their agenda fail.

  2. The RACIST LibTard DemoncRats want to keep the Blacks on the Govment Plantation. That is why they voted NO to the Bill.

  3. This makes me physically ill. When Dems have no legitimate argument, all that remains are insults and character denigration. That 198 House Democrats voted AGAINST this Act tells all- they do not give a damn about American citizens, only keeping their power, no matter how devious and downright malevolent the means

  4. Those mother fucker Demotrash the air they breath is corruption they worship cheating there GOD IS THE DEVIL, THEY HAVE NO COUNTRY NO flag NORE THEY HAVE ANY PEOPLE OR FAMILY BUNCH OF DEVILISH WORSHIPER sons of whores, this evil we killed in the first civil war, I guess it’s very close for history to repeat it’s self

  5. Gotta love it, the fake narrative that was created to publicize this great fake excuse of the overused made up racism bull💩 rears it’s ugly head one more time with these controlling devil DEMONcrates. Hey dummies I do believe we have a constitution and these ILLEGALS are NOT American citizens. We should not need ANY special legislation you f’n morons.

  6. Vote them out!!! Which country do you know would allow non citizens to vote in their elections? They are showing their true colors, they don’t care about America 🇺🇸 just themselves. The excuses are pathetic and just shows their ignorance.

  7. Here’s how democrats will cheat, allegedly 🙄.
    Currently, Joe Biden EO directs border patrol to give paperwork to illegals to fill out. Paperwork is used to document and assign a SS number. Sends migrants to migrant stations. Democrats are printing ballots with migrants name and new SS number. Massive amounts of ballots will be mailed to migrant centers without migrant asking for a ballot. And migrant more than likely will have move on to another location. Then someone will vote for the migrant, thus cheating. And the migrant is deportable because a felony was committed in their name by the cheater. Then ballots will be dropped off at ballot boxes. Illegal votes will be counted and the steal will happen again. This is why Biden and democrats ushered in tens of millions of illegals around the world. 19 states automatically register drivers to vote when you apply for a license citizen or not. And with illegals getting SS numbers, states can’t tell who is or is not a citizen.

  8. All these sick democrats are mentally deranged! Only American cutters vote in our country and you show if and bite in one day!

  9. What don’t these morons get? If you are an American citizen you can vote, if you are not an American citizens you can not vote. Nothing discriminating about it. If you are not an American citizen what gives you the right to decide what is good for American citizens?!!!!!

  10. These representatives need to read the Constitution.Article XV Section 1 clearly states that American citizens may vote.That means NO noncitizen

  11. Can I stop paying taxes yet? They don’t pay taxes and get everything for free. How many of them have multiple identities and signed up for free stuff? They will have 5 or ten link cards and will travel from city to city voting over and over again. I get that no one wants to stand up because they might lose everything they own. But if we don’t we all will lose everything we own just so it can be given to the free loaders.

  12. Repeat the mantra enough and the sheep will believe it. RACIST, XENOPHOBIC, HOMOPHOBIC, DEMOPHOBIC well that last one isn’t really a word buy it should be. The Democratic Party must cheat to win, they must win to keep power, they must keep power to keep control, they must keep control to keep screwing the American people.

  13. Meanwhile at the pharmacy , I have to show my drivers license for my sons meds since they fall under ” controlled substance” I call.BULL.and discrimination I shouldn’t need to do that . WAAAAA !!!!!! Who do I whine to ?? If a criminal non citizen gets to vote in MY country I shouldn’t show my ID every again ….oh and nevermind drugs flowing over here that’s ok too…

  14. Letting illegals vote who have not worked here, lived here, or contributed to America have no business voting here. All the democrat filth wants is a vote. In their book, that is all illegals are good for. FFS they get everything for free. Shut these trashbags the hell up. Notice, they are all democrat pukes. Why are there more female trashbags yapping about it than males. It’s a given for hakeem. If you are illegal, GTFO of America. You will never be welcome here as long as I am alive.

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