I am not sure that result would pass the sniff test … I beat the dems cheated to flip that seat who in there right mind would vote for a democrat ever again are these people that nuts ?
California shenanigans
They counted for 20 days to get the total they wanted
The cheating remains. 1 full month after election they finally called it? I call BS. That area of CA is deep Red. Apparently, they needed that much time to stuff enough ballots. Looks like that area was not Great enough to stop the cheat.
Gimme an F’n break!! They allowed these as clowns to count ballots for an ENTIRE month after the election. Really??!!!
Unacceptable that it takes 4 WEEKS after the election to count votes. There’s obligatorily cheating that’s taking place. If these localities & states want constituents to believe in free & FAIR elections,they need to have RULES for voting! 1) only citizens vote, all voters must register w/ proof of citizenship,2) in-person voting required w/picture ID & signature verification, unless registered voter requests a mail-in or absentee ballot. Then it must be returned by week before Election Day w/picture ID & signature 3) ALL votes should be counted by the end of election day!!!
I’m in Kommiefornia and have witnessed how the Dems cheat first hand. Absolutely 100# that cheating was involved. 😡
That’s the democrats way in California…,keep counting ballots, legal or otherwise, until you get the “win”.
Fucking cheaters… nothing more to say…
I cry bullshit
How come Republicans never win when it takes 3-4 weeks post election to finish counting the votes?
When it takes a month to count votes nobody can trust the results.. I’m curious how many of these seats that took more then a day to count went to democracts?! That would be interesting information
I call bullsh!t. They just keep counting until they win. Hopefully President Trump can fix voter integrity/system soon. COMMIEfornia and democRATS are disgusting liars and thieves.
Recount please! What a small margin!!!
I am not sure that result would pass the sniff test … I beat the dems cheated to flip that seat who in there right mind would vote for a democrat ever again are these people that nuts ?
California shenanigans
They counted for 20 days to get the total they wanted
The cheating remains. 1 full month after election they finally called it? I call BS. That area of CA is deep Red. Apparently, they needed that much time to stuff enough ballots. Looks like that area was not Great enough to stop the cheat.
Gimme an F’n break!! They allowed these as clowns to count ballots for an ENTIRE month after the election. Really??!!!
Unacceptable that it takes 4 WEEKS after the election to count votes. There’s obligatorily cheating that’s taking place. If these localities & states want constituents to believe in free & FAIR elections,they need to have RULES for voting! 1) only citizens vote, all voters must register w/ proof of citizenship,2) in-person voting required w/picture ID & signature verification, unless registered voter requests a mail-in or absentee ballot. Then it must be returned by week before Election Day w/picture ID & signature 3) ALL votes should be counted by the end of election day!!!
I’m in Kommiefornia and have witnessed how the Dems cheat first hand. Absolutely 100# that cheating was involved. 😡
That’s the democrats way in California…,keep counting ballots, legal or otherwise, until you get the “win”.
Fucking cheaters… nothing more to say…
I cry bullshit
How come Republicans never win when it takes 3-4 weeks post election to finish counting the votes?
When it takes a month to count votes nobody can trust the results.. I’m curious how many of these seats that took more then a day to count went to democracts?! That would be interesting information
I call bullsh!t. They just keep counting until they win. Hopefully President Trump can fix voter integrity/system soon. COMMIEfornia and democRATS are disgusting liars and thieves.