(Commenting on)  REPORT: Dem socialists stick with Biden amid 2024 turmoil, push him on a bolder agenda



  1. Hmmm… recently AOC wouldn’t commit to supporting the current WH resident. Now she’s on board? Maybe she and her cohorts have been assured of “winning” their upcoming elections?

  2. The only reason AOC is supporting Biden is because he has allowed 10 million illegal aliens into America 🇺🇸 and the Democrat Mayor like Major Johnson of Chicago, given hotel rooms to stay Cards for them buy food/groceries. But yet still there are American Citizens who are sleeping on the floor in train stations, on the streets that are not getting any provisions hotel rooms to sleep in and getting 3 meals a day. We have become a third world nation. Biden promotes killing the unborn babies, Transgenders, and children having their genitalia removed to become another gender from their birth gender. I don’t support him, I will not vote for him in November. Also he, AOC, Sanders, and all the progressive politicians will answer to God. If they don’t change their ways there’s a place they are going to and that place is HELL where Satan now resides.

  3. Bernie Sanders campaign is what started this socialist agenda. Young people not understanding what is actually being done in the name of equality.
    Raising the minimum wage just raises the cost of living.

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