(Commenting on)  REPORT: Dem Running Against Ted Cruz Begged Republicans To Fund Trans Surgeries For The Military



    If you enlisted as a male or female, you serve as a male or female. If you change your sex in any way shape or form while under contract with the US Armed Forces, that should be a breach of contract followed by an imediate dishonorable discharge with loss of all bennefits and VA rights.
    Get your operation on your own time with your own dime!

  2. He is outspending Cruz on campaigns ads. He is all over everything internet. That alone will get him elected by voters who refuse to do their homework. I would hate to see this guy as my Senator. He is an enemy of the people.

  3. I am SO afraid this guy is going to beat Ted Cruz, and if so, Texas AND the entire U.S. is doomed because of his ridiculous Progressive agenda! Sex change operations at taxpayer expense should NEVER even be considered in our military!!! It’s an abomination and an insult to those who join and serve our country for the right reasons, NOT to fund their sex change delusions!!! As a Veteran who served 10 yrs. in the USAF this absolutely disgusts me!!!

  4. I didn’t use to care for Ted Cruz when he was running for President against Trump, but since Trump won in 2016, Cruz really came around on backing him and so I started to like him! I am SO afraid this guy Alred is going to beat Ted Cruz, and if so, Texas AND the entire U.S. is doomed because of his ridiculous Progressive agenda! Sex change operations at taxpayer expense should NEVER even be considered in our military!!! It’s an abomination and an insult to those who join and serve our country for the right reasons, NOT to fund their sex change delusions!!! As a Veteran who served 10 yrs. in the USAF this absolutely disgusts me!!!

  5. Years ago these people would stay I. The closet and do their cross dressing in their home. How dare the government allow them on our streets, in classrooms, libraries, parks etc! Dems need to get their shit together and grow up. Cross dressers and these deviant behavior people need psychiatric care and go to jail be put on the registrations for their deviant behaviors so that the community they live in can be aware. Kids can’t even play in their yards or in their streets like we use to do with neighbors. I bet hardly any of them know the kids and families except for school. Sickening! This administration has to go! If you vote for the Dems you are just as sick as they are.


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