Not sure I trust Blackrock with it either. Better than China though. My Father was a surveyor with the Corp of Army Engineers when they were digging the canal. Got both malaria and yellow fever. He had to be turning over on his grave when Carter sold it for a dollar.
Not sure I trust Blackrock with it either. Better than China though. My Father was a surveyor with the Corp of Army Engineers when they were digging the canal. Got both malaria and yellow fever. He had to be turning over on his grave when Carter sold it for a dollar.
I agree about Blackrock. Are the two ports on opposite ends?
Blackrock isn’t much better than China, from what I’ve been hearing. Their agenda and it’s not very pro-American…
Blackrock? Oh brother, not sure that was a win. Larry Fink, IMHO, is evil. Blackrock is a huge monopoly that everyone seems to turn a blind eye to.