(Commenting on)  REPORT Control of the Murdoch media empire could be at stake in closed-door hearing



  1. I hope Murdoch succeeds in changing his Trust. This Country needs Conservative news outlets more than ever to fight the MSM strangle hold on their form of “news”.

  2. Just tried to post a message, gonna try again. I hope Mr. Murdock succeeds in changing his TRUST. The Country needs FOX Corp. so that we can have at least one conservative group that can combat the LibTard DemoncRat Propaganda machine that is MSM.

  3. Third time could be the charm: We need Mr. Murdock. to succeed so that we have one group of conservative news to combat the LibTard DemoncRats Propaganda Machine, MSM.

  4. I have issues with any child deciding how their parent writes their will. It’s their work it’s theirs to do as they wish.
    With that I hope the Murdaugh news organization stays in hands that keep it conservative.

  5. Mr. Murdoch needs to get a signed document by his personal physician that he is of sound mind and is making this decision of his own free will based on his wishes when he passes on. It is his company, he is capable of making his own decision and he will sign the will as he sees fit. Children should have nothing to do with the provisions of the will or how it is written. That is between Mr. Murdoch and his attorney PERIOD which should be in Mr. Murdoch’s best interest.

  6. If the children want to fight over it. Then take them out of the will. I would never contest my parents will. They owe you nothing, if anything you owe them everything


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