(Commenting on)  REPORT: California Gov Newsom signs $50M ‘Trump-proofing’ legislative package



  1. Should be using that money to help the fire victims that you & the democrats made worse by not doing preventable measures to start with.

  2. Oh I’m sure the President is going to help the citizens in California rebuild however the funds will not come through the hands of newscum!! What a tool! He’s been scamming the citizens of California for a very long time!! It has ceased it’s time to fess up!!

  3. When it comes to Jan 6ers ! Lock them up for ever. ! When it comes to real illegal immigrant’s & terrorizing & convicted criminals! Judges want to stop sentences!
    & block Trump ! What the heck !
    The American people gave President Trump a mandate !

  4. If you read that stupid bill, it is intended to provide funds for immigration attorneys to represent illegals with regular illegal entry cases and adjustment of status (illegal to legal resident) and SJIS (special juvenile immigration status). These are illegal aliens with no violent criminal convictions. They number in the millions. That $50 million will he exhausted in less than 6 months.

    Trump should not give one penny to Gavin any federal aid money will be laundered into illegal alien funds.

  5. It’s easy to ask why people don’t just move out of CA. Many are and have been but many are stuck there for now for various reasons. I live in MA and hear it all the time about here and feel for those who want to leave CA but cannot just yet as we’re in the same boat. We’re planning our escape but need to be patient a bit longer.

  6. Last week new-scum was kissing President Trumps behind. President should not give new-scum or california another dime for anything. new-scum is an asshole. Tell new-scum to use some of that money allotted for EV recharging stations, or how about that money allocated for the railway to nowhere. DON’T GOT NONE, RIGHT?

  7. I agree, NO MORE federal funding for Cali esp.since newsomes $$$ is helping CRIMINALS and not the LEGAL citizens , filthy snake , Trump isn’t done with him …

  8. You are defying Our President TRUMP’S attempt to get Our Country’s immigration system under control. NO MONEY for your needs until you stop your CORRUPT TREASONOUS ways!!!

  9. once a snake always a snake!! Can shed his skin but still a snake!! Gavin is sleazy and can’t be trusted!!!!

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