(Commenting on)  REPORT: Buttigieg mulling bid for another political office



  1. Hahahahaha! I am laughing at this useless person. You did absolutely NOTHING while the transportation secretary. You will be a DEI hire if you get in. You are an abomination!

    • I agree with you Claude. This disgusting unqualified butt-head didn’t show up to the East Palestine train derailment for 3 weeks. He needs to find a night job. Maybe he can be a fill-in for “P” diddy who is now incarcerated in some prison in New York. OOPS, that sounded bad. A big thank you to our Vice President Vance for visiting the location on the 2nd anniversary of this horrific accident to pay respect to the people who live there and are still suffering the consequences of toxicity. VP Vance has let them know that they are not forgotten. Just another biden DEI hire failure in buttigieg.

    • I need a box of tissues, I am laughing so hard. Who has the tub of petroleum jelly, or is it shared? EEEWWWW, not a good visual.

  2. Looks like the Dems are trying to set up Petey Boy to be their chosen one in four years. Scary thought. He is useless. I feel for Michigan. All the blue states seem to have these twisted useless politicians. Petey needs to bow out gracefully and move far away. Preferably out of the US.

  3. Please not Michigan! He did nothing as Secretary of DOT, he failed East Palestine big time and doomed the airline industry. We DO NOT want him in Michigan. He will regret coming to our state…

  4. America has had enough of pothole Pete Buttplug. Go away with your perverted husband and leave America in peace.

  5. This guy does not take a hint! South Bend was left in a mess in the downtown leaving infrastructure left unfinished and just sitting there! It’s been years and no changes. Still not finished! I live right next to South Bend and I drive by this disaster every-time I pass Beuter Park! South Bend would not benefit by his return. The news in South Bend has already reported he is not returning to South Bend, Indiana. I cannot imagine Michigan wants him either! I cannot see why the government would hire him due to his disaster as transportation secretary, not showing up for 3 weeks at the East Palestine train derailment. He is unqualified, but, you know the government will hire anyone qualified or not!! Another DEI hire by Biden! Maybe, he and his husband should move to Hollywood, do a gay porn film, they would fit right in! Netflix promotes sex porn on their app and love the woke ideology! He’ll be welcomed with open arms! Time to choose a different career Pete! He wants in the government so he can push his gay agenda and “woke” ideologies on Americans who don’t want it pushed down our throats!

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