(Commenting on)  REPORT: Bragg defers to judge on Trump sentencing delay



  1. Oh what a popular judge he is and will be when he can sentence the bad orange man to prison…. good Lord🤦‍♀️. Jesus take the wheel, these people are so beyond evil….

  2. So totally corrupt when there is NO crime. Wake up America. 🇺🇸 we all know this is demonrats last hope and this is even ridiculous.
    Let’s start looking at Jon Stewart and others who put prices on their homes. Let’s start looking at REAL crimes like the Biden family.

  3. Trump can run this country from anywhere including jail. And I am sure he will !!! What a bunch of fools !!!’

  4. I just don’t get it NO crime but yet guilty verdict. Not the legal system I understood. This should all be wiped clean.

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