(Commenting on)  REPORT: Blue state to ban hotels from providing guests with common amenity



  1. Actually it is not a bad idea. I’ve thrown away a lot of those little bottles over the years. Stayed at a number of hotels lately who use the refillable dispensers. Work great!

    • I always carry my own toilet articles in my carry-on bag using the 3-1-1 rule. I have my own favorite products and never really use the ones provided. It is more expensive for the hotels to provide these miniatures than the larger sizes. Buy the large sizes and refill wall pump refillable shampoo/soap dispensers. Electric or battery would work to dispense the right amount just like many public restrooms in airports have.

  2. I always loved getting the little bottles at hotels/motels especially as a kid! I rarely ever use them in the hotel/motel as I usually have my own toiletries, but they are great to take home with you to keep for travel and for putting in your purse! Disappointing that N.Y. is doing away with these fun amenities! Yes, I agree with the person who said that there are much more important things to be concerned with in N.Y. like crime!

  3. Of course, Empress Hockel would never lower herself to use such a plebeian item. When in need, she just sends out an aide for a full size bottle of whatever she needs.

  4. Just more overreach by the liberal run government’s, They won’t even be happy if they regulate EVERYTHING !!! Crime up, invaders taking veterans and seniors housing, and the liberals are worried about little bottles !!!! About right for the left !!

  5. Does this mean you share bottles with other guests…..ewwww! I wouldn’t think that is sanitary. Hotels can’t even keep sheets and towels clean and now we’ll get dirty bottles … no Thanks.

  6. Ooo, I know!
    Switch all the bottles to electric!!

    Isn’t there any biodegradable bottles they can switch to?

    • With the motion sensor feature so you don’t have to touch them. Remember the old bars of soap that used to be in restrooms. Gross.

  7. What will they think of next. Bidets in hotels with a quick blow dry fan behind them. It’s the Cadillac of toilet paper.

  8. Well there goes my supply. Lol
    I have noticed the switch to bigger pump bottles. I actually believe it to be a good idea. Environmental issues are not climate issues and we waste a lot of stuff and create a tin of garbage.

  9. To each their own. I think the bigger government idea is a major screw up. Remember they ran a brothel in Nevada that was making millions into bankruptcy in a very short time. Can’t remember the name but I read the article and laughed my hysterically when they tried to cover it up with their lies about the regulations they had passed.

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