(Commenting on)  REPORT: Blue state immigration law judge resigns after FBI raids office



  1. WTF? A former illegal alien now an immigration judge? This shit show can only happen in the USA. So next will be children social service run by former pedophiles?

    • Why do you think some people work in places where lots of children are ? My eyes are wide open and the only thing better than a pedophile is one not breathing.

  2. Rhode Island is so corrupt! I was born in Providence and always heard about the Mafia and Raymond Patrica! So glad I left in ‘76. It was tough being a republican in RI. Even my parents were staunch democrats all their life. I believe the only republican my Mom voted for was Chafee!!!

  3. Amazing the corruption in the devil commie DEMONcrate cult party yet they are consistently calling out republicans for their part in any wrong doing which typically turns out to be a lie the devils created. Pure scumbags


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