(Commenting on)  REPORT: Biden’s State Department’s ‘disinfo’ effort is a pro-censorship sham



  1. Bullshit, it is the biden/harris administration of fraudsters, con artists, liars and marxists who are not to be trusted. They are the threat to our First/Second Amendment Rights, our Constitutional Republic, America’s security and sovereignty, and our Military STILL IN WAR ZONES. (hear that your dumb kunt kam-ahh-la). We still have troops in syria, iraq and the Red Sea because of joe’s incompetent funding to iran and his disastrous pull out from afghanistan. Why do people keep using the term democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic and our 1A and 2A rights are being infringed upon, and we have treasonous pigs like mayorkas and garland in positions where they don’t belong. TRUMP VANCE 2024, TRUMP VANCE 2024, TRUMP VANCE 2024

      • Thank you Claude. You do an excellent job as well. I had a difficult time trying to sleep last night. All I did was stare at the ceiling in darkness until our neighbor’s motion sensor light kept coming on. I had to turn all our lights on outside as I thought someone was out there. I am in fear for President Trump and his family as I am sure all on DML here are experiencing that same stressful feeling.


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