(Commenting on)  REPORT: Biden’s migrant ‘super-highway’ revealed: Millions in US taxpayer cash turned the world’s deadliest smuggling route into a ‘safe’ passage..



  1. Biden/ Harris and Company that is allowing all of this Invasion into America, Is there seriously Not a Law against This?? A New Law needs to be expedited Today🇺🇸I know won’t happen. Common Sense😜Come on!

  2. There are many independent news and podcasts that covered this and fires the warning flares about 3 years ago. Mayorkas was seen down in Darien Gap at a migrant camp in 2022. China and the Biden admin have been clearing jungles, building roads and highways to create a straight shot from south Venezuela straight north to Panama and then northwest across Central America into Chiapas Mexico.

    The USA, China and NGOs have been building migrant hostels, safe houses, resupply depots and clinics along this entire route. This is one reason you see obese migrants show up at the border wearing nice clothes and donning cellphones. If i were pres i would ignore the courts and start drone bombing every one of those camps and obliterate the Darian gap highway.


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