(Commenting on)  REPORT: Biden DOE official calls for ‘queering nuclear weapons’ as part of radical DEI agenda



  1. What the hell is happening to our country? This d e i has got to go. It’s nothing but a bunch of freaks controlling our country. It’s time to start leading them out.

  2. So Iran/ Iraq and get MORE funding from this administration for THIER nuclear weapons . This woman is nothing but an empty headed moron ,what asylum was she living in before her hire ?. Trump has SO much ” cleaning house” to do.

  3. More of the new and improved race cards;”white supremacy”. Continue with the hate white male agenda and these pathetic racist hypocrites have created an environment that is exactly what they have lived off of for decades, a fake racist narrative.

  4. I never heard so much ridiculous horse shit as this! Each and every day these empty headed weirdos come up with another way to make themselves sound unhinged and stupid! That woman/freak needs a lobotomy!

  5. Remember Sam Briton who was a Biden appointment? Once again putting an idiot near national security. Get rid of her quick.

  6. Do these people really believe the bullshit they spew??? WTH has happened to out young people, we need mass reversal of the nutness they have been taught….🤦‍♀️

  7. What the hell is wrong with these people? They should not be hired by any government entity! There is an absence of common sense in our government.

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