(Commenting on)  REPORT: Biden administration’s DOJ puts American voters on notice with ‘warning’



  1. Hmmmm, just like the black panthers at the polls during ol big ears election; where were you clowns then? Talk about intimidation tactics, f’n scumbags. Bunch of f’n commies. We are worse than third wild countries now.

  2. Well it’s always the left threatening & trying to subvert the public’s right to know!!
    So why the warning to all??? Those poll watchers better keep both eagle eyes on these elections & VIDEO!!

  3. So where does one go if they witness unscrupulous actions at voting polls? That is usually the source of harassment. So again, what does one do when they witness wrong-doings?

  4. Contact your local republican headquarters. Volunteer to be a poll observer. I’ve done it in 2020 and 2022. I’m going to try and get in to do it again. I’ve been an observer at 2 polling places in the county. Pretty boring task. But they know that you’re watching. Usually only do one 4- hr shift daily. Besides the polls, you can also watch the counts. Contact headquarters and join in!

  5. This is hysterical!! The conservatives/Fepublicans have never burned, looted, or destroyed property…Ihope they will crack down on the Lefts crap…probably not!

  6. Just watch they’ll claim “intimidation” just for watching them to get rid of the watchers so they can cheat just like last 4 times-Lord we need you to intervene any time now-please stop the cheating and show just how red each state really is in Jesus name we pray Amen


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