(Commenting on)  REPORT: Authorities issue warning as nation’s top tourist spot becomes a high-threat zone



  1. Wonder how much horror the media will EDIT out of tonight’s festivities that shouldn’t even be happening ……

  2. A friend once attended the Times Square New Year’s ball drop and said he would never want to repeat that experience. If you leave the venue to seek a bathroom you are not allowed back in. But those who remain continue to have bodily functions. Pity the bomb sniffing dogs!

  3. Hmmm, this is your new commie devil DEMONcrate utopia created by all you f’n libTARDS, only the beginning of things to come in our once safe and great republic. Of course it is the 💩state of NY that’s a “melting” pot that the TARDS wanted.

  4. I truly hope and pray nothing bad happens as I believe our country is just ripe for another terrorist attack with all these illegals, criminals, and gang members, the Biden/Harris Administration have let into our country!!!

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