(Commenting on)  REPORT: AOC ‘going on the offense’ to rally red-district voters against Trump



  1. She should just shut her piehole and go back to bartending.
    The only thing she will attract at these whining sessions is Marxist and flies.

  2. She says no one is doing it but turns right around and says she’s joining Billionaire Bernie on his tour. So I guess someone else was doing it. They can call it the “Dumb and Dumber ANTI-AMERICAN Tour”.

  3. So tell me. Who do they work for? And are they doing anything for their constituents. What is it they need? They have all this time to go and “protest” Trump, what is it that they are leaving undone in their districts? Hmmm follow the money

  4. They should be doing their jobs in congress 🙄 Their tours will only attract other haters like themselves. Nothing to see here.

  5. What is AOC even still doing in Congress? So she’s joining Bernie Sanders in his Satan serving tour. Anyone who obviously serves Satan needs to be removed from our Congress and Senate in this country.


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