We have bigger problems to consider in Illinois rhan our State Flag.
Infuriating to say the least.
We have big problems, problems the state run dumbocrats created.
That orange design looks to close to an Asian flag.
That’s what I thought.
Hmmmmm, just trying to erase and rewrite history to meet the libTARD commies made up narrative. F’n ignorant fools.
Why in the hell is the demoncrap cult hell bent on destroying our history
What is up with these states changing their flags. If it aint broke dont fix it. Sooo stupid. Do they ask the people what they want or not. It dorsnt sound like it to me.
The rainbow 🌈 will be slipped into the design…
I just am confused why the assault on the flags. People loved and died under those flags as they are.
I feel like the push is to rewrite history and remove those who came before us. Good bad and ugly. They built this land and we are where we are because of them.
As others pointed out. With all that’s going on why are we working on a flag commission.. spent that money to help your community
Yeah better get a new flag. It’s the most important issue they are dealing with. Pritzker is low life establishment RAT 🐀
Are they trying to model this after the chinese flag? Hideously ugly.
So while you burying your child after being violated and murdered by an illegal immigrant gang banger, please know the Democrat Party is busy with designing a new state flag.
To be accurate of where the state is headed, they need to add a hammer and sickle
A third world state and these fuckheads are worried about their state flag. They need to get their heads out of their asses. Opps, forgot their heads are already up their asses. pritzker needs to back away from the all-you-can-eat buffets. It expanded the size of his brain with no improvement. He must spend every night of the week at a buffet.
How an a flag with gangbangers shooting at each other?
The orange could be representing the prison jumpsuits many governors have worn and those corrupt pieces of crap like Mike Madigan should be wearing. As well as all the killers walking around free as birds.
Can I add a side note?
During the DNC in Chicago, local news outlets only reported Chicago crime regarding the protests, zero reports about murders and injuries caused by gun fire.
Demonrat controlled narrative.
Well first of all orange is a violent color so most people feel it’s offputting, maybe not even knowing why. It’s just ugly. Leave the old one.
I hate orange, any shade of it. It is the puke color made from red and yellow left-over paint. I hated orange since before I was in grade school. My Mom bought me this horrid orange dress to wear on the first day of school in 2nd grade. I hated it. I still loved my Mom. She never made me wear it again.
I’m not seeing all of the attributes they’re claiming that the current flag portrays. What am I missing?
We have bigger problems to consider in Illinois rhan our State Flag.
Infuriating to say the least.
We have big problems, problems the state run dumbocrats created.
That orange design looks to close to an Asian flag.
That’s what I thought.
Hmmmmm, just trying to erase and rewrite history to meet the libTARD commies made up narrative. F’n ignorant fools.
Why in the hell is the demoncrap cult hell bent on destroying our history
What is up with these states changing their flags. If it aint broke dont fix it. Sooo stupid. Do they ask the people what they want or not. It dorsnt sound like it to me.
The rainbow 🌈 will be slipped into the design…
I just am confused why the assault on the flags. People loved and died under those flags as they are.
I feel like the push is to rewrite history and remove those who came before us. Good bad and ugly. They built this land and we are where we are because of them.
As others pointed out. With all that’s going on why are we working on a flag commission.. spent that money to help your community
Yeah better get a new flag. It’s the most important issue they are dealing with. Pritzker is low life establishment RAT 🐀
Are they trying to model this after the chinese flag? Hideously ugly.
So while you burying your child after being violated and murdered by an illegal immigrant gang banger, please know the Democrat Party is busy with designing a new state flag.
To be accurate of where the state is headed, they need to add a hammer and sickle
A third world state and these fuckheads are worried about their state flag. They need to get their heads out of their asses. Opps, forgot their heads are already up their asses. pritzker needs to back away from the all-you-can-eat buffets. It expanded the size of his brain with no improvement. He must spend every night of the week at a buffet.
How an a flag with gangbangers shooting at each other?
The orange could be representing the prison jumpsuits many governors have worn and those corrupt pieces of crap like Mike Madigan should be wearing. As well as all the killers walking around free as birds.
Can I add a side note?
During the DNC in Chicago, local news outlets only reported Chicago crime regarding the protests, zero reports about murders and injuries caused by gun fire.
Demonrat controlled narrative.
Well first of all orange is a violent color so most people feel it’s offputting, maybe not even knowing why. It’s just ugly. Leave the old one.
I hate orange, any shade of it. It is the puke color made from red and yellow left-over paint. I hated orange since before I was in grade school. My Mom bought me this horrid orange dress to wear on the first day of school in 2nd grade. I hated it. I still loved my Mom. She never made me wear it again.
I’m not seeing all of the attributes they’re claiming that the current flag portrays. What am I missing?