Tough, nebbish. Suck it up. You, put us tzu shand.
Corrupt Garland can GTH! It’s ok to dismiss Biden’s documents case because he’s an old man but wants to throw the book at Trump who has declassify power for the documents he had under lock & key. I’m so sick of the 2 tier justice system in our country!
I have an idea of garland, why don’t you kiss the asses of the true Americans in this country. You don’t think you’d make that kind of mistake?Then why isn’t Biden in jail, along with Hunter, and a hell of a lot of other people who you’ve given free passes to?
Crybaby loser and traitor. And the democrats say they are coming for republicans. I think it will be the other way around. We are coming for the democrats with the truth on our side.
That moron is still pissed about not getting appointed to the Supreme Court.
Now we know who’s likely behind the Assassination attempt. We know he was behind everything else.
Why, YES. Yes, you do look like someone who would make a basic mistake about the law. YOU ARE A DEMOCRAT AFTER ALL.
I love all the above comments 👏👏👏👏
Garland that crook. He should be behind bars and in GITMO. He needs to be fired, pension and security clearance taken away. That is the whole problem with these crooked people. They are fired but they get to keep their pension and security clearance. Then they go and work for Blackrock or some other corrupt company. They just leave and nothing ever happens to them. UNLESS you are a republican
Cannon didn’t just dismiss the case because she wanted to, she dismissed it because the law says so. She even put the law in her statement that she made her decision on. Garland is an activist judge just like many in this country are and he interpreted the law to fit his decisions. The American people dodged a big bullet when the Senate didn’t take up his nomination for the supreme court.
Po’ itty bitty Merrick. Waaaaaaaa!! 😭
Garland has shown that he is al lying, corrupt POS. No wonder the republicans did not want you on the Supreme Court. You are an enemy of America. Now it’s your time to be tried and convicted. And put in Gitmo. Thank you to the wise judge in Florida that set this crook straight.
This crybaby is just pissed that all the lawfare against Trump is blowing up in their faces. All these made up charges are being called out. Biden had classified documents from when he was a damn senator! That alone is enough to investigate him for treason. Who exactly did he sell those secrets to? CCP most likely. Yet he walks free because he’s a “ well meaning elderly man with a bad memory?! BULLSHIT! What about the rest of the family? Hunter, James, “Dr”Jill? You are a disgrace to your office and the United States!
Says Garland the creep of all creeps. We should be looking at people he put in jail. He is a man who doesn’t know the laws of America apparently.
If Garland had any judicial ethics, he lost them long ago!
Get over it garland 😆
But Biden gets free pass!
Tough, nebbish. Suck it up. You, put us tzu shand.
Corrupt Garland can GTH! It’s ok to dismiss Biden’s documents case because he’s an old man but wants to throw the book at Trump who has declassify power for the documents he had under lock & key. I’m so sick of the 2 tier justice system in our country!
I have an idea of garland, why don’t you kiss the asses of the true Americans in this country. You don’t think you’d make that kind of mistake?Then why isn’t Biden in jail, along with Hunter, and a hell of a lot of other people who you’ve given free passes to?
Crybaby loser and traitor. And the democrats say they are coming for republicans. I think it will be the other way around. We are coming for the democrats with the truth on our side.
That moron is still pissed about not getting appointed to the Supreme Court.
Now we know who’s likely behind the Assassination attempt. We know he was behind everything else.
Why, YES. Yes, you do look like someone who would make a basic mistake about the law. YOU ARE A DEMOCRAT AFTER ALL.
I love all the above comments 👏👏👏👏
Garland that crook. He should be behind bars and in GITMO. He needs to be fired, pension and security clearance taken away. That is the whole problem with these crooked people. They are fired but they get to keep their pension and security clearance. Then they go and work for Blackrock or some other corrupt company. They just leave and nothing ever happens to them. UNLESS you are a republican
Cannon didn’t just dismiss the case because she wanted to, she dismissed it because the law says so. She even put the law in her statement that she made her decision on. Garland is an activist judge just like many in this country are and he interpreted the law to fit his decisions. The American people dodged a big bullet when the Senate didn’t take up his nomination for the supreme court.
Po’ itty bitty Merrick. Waaaaaaaa!! 😭
Garland has shown that he is al lying, corrupt POS. No wonder the republicans did not want you on the Supreme Court. You are an enemy of America. Now it’s your time to be tried and convicted. And put in Gitmo. Thank you to the wise judge in Florida that set this crook straight.
This crybaby is just pissed that all the lawfare against Trump is blowing up in their faces. All these made up charges are being called out. Biden had classified documents from when he was a damn senator! That alone is enough to investigate him for treason. Who exactly did he sell those secrets to? CCP most likely. Yet he walks free because he’s a “ well meaning elderly man with a bad memory?! BULLSHIT! What about the rest of the family? Hunter, James, “Dr”Jill? You are a disgrace to your office and the United States!
Says Garland the creep of all creeps. We should be looking at people he put in jail. He is a man who doesn’t know the laws of America apparently.
If Garland had any judicial ethics, he lost them long ago!