(Commenting on)  READ NOW: DML shares important message about Facebook, and a big decision



  1. I have your App! FB doesn’t deserve your business. Corrupt form of communication. Good for you Dennis.

  2. About time DML. I quit a long time ago. Although I miss seeing my friends that are no longer near me. I feel the same way as you and I was sick. Of being put in FB jail! I read your app several times a day and have subscribed to your newsletter. I have also passed your app on to many others! Glad you got off! It makes a statement!

  3. I have shared, and I thank you for your app (since 2016) , Newsletter that you send and I GREATLY appreciate, and your walk in talks since 2016. I recommend your site to everyone I meet for the news. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK 👍
    You are GREATLY APPRECIATED even when you are not on FB.
    And may God continue to walk with you and bless you and your family.

  4. DML, I just want to thank you again for showing me truth bombs in the 2016 election. I learn so much about how the electoral voting works and completely calmed me down and shared that info with my friends and family. I have watched your business grow from walk and talks to your own news outlet. And I hope to someday be able to purchase your CBD oil that I know my hubby could benefit from. You have come a long way Dennis Michael Lynch and I know you have a long way to go, God willing. You are a special man with integrity and character. May God continue to bless you and your family. Trump 2024🇺🇸🙏💜

  5. Love you DML! Keep Up The Honest News ! We all deserve it in, these days of un honest local News media. No one to count on . Hold your head high and Thank You so much God Bless you and your Family 😃♥️ I have been with you for over Ten years

  6. I was part of the big Twitter MAGA purge of Jan. 2021. I was a digital warrior for Trump on Twitter. I had an alias handle for personal reasons. I had 11,000 followers, all gone overnight. Something or someone must have flagged my IP address. I cannot get back on Twitter, now X. There are many, many like me. I don’t know if Elon Musk is aware of how many of us that hasn’t been able to get accounts back or even open a new account after this conservative purge.
    I’m a 66 year old grandmother and I’m not that tech savvy. There are many like me. I’d love to be back on X.
    I just don’t know how or who to trust, anymore.

  7. I, too, closed my fb account! Their CS is a joke! Not sure they even have one! My fb kept getting hacked and after many attempts to contact them and changing all my info on fb several times, I continued to get hacked! Still no word from fb customer support!! I’m done with them, for about 3 months now!! Guess what? I don’t even notice it being gone! I get all my news from DML,X, telegram and rumble where we can speak freely!!
    Good for you DML!! I’ll see you on X!! God bless America and President Trump!!! 🙏🇺🇸

  8. I left n 2016! I was sick of the BS, being shadow banned and thrown off for calling out the BS. I left Twitter and Instagram as well. Went on to GETTR for a year and removed that app from my phone when the two guys that started it left to help Trump!
    I now sign up and am emailed for anything I care to hear. It is awesome! Need to get rid of gmail as well. I did sign up this morning for Rumble again. I like Dan Bongino and listen to him as well as you. I also like the Epoche Times. My leg has been so much better without all of the apps!

  9. I have been “permanently” banned from X. Have appealed several times. I’d love to follow you, if they would let me back in.
    Of course, they wouldn’t give me a reason for the ban…. (???)

  10. That’s why I never had Fuckbook, or twitter both are garbage and the people working in them skinny pants fags, the only one I have IS DML free speech in its origin … thank DML

  11. I reposted a few if your post today and they took it off. Said I was looking for likes and shares and claimed it spam. They’ve been doing it for a while now. Pisses me off. I got your app and newsletter and I’ll look for you on X. I have an account there. Your followers will follow.

  12. DML, I have followed you since I was turned on to a speech you were giving. I believe that was pre-2015. I felt then, you would be presidential material with the border being the main focus. You still have that passion and one day, you take the bull by its balls and tell it, “I’m in control now”.
    Unfortunately I was banned from Twitter after the J6 and after Trump was banned. I was hoping after Elon bought Twitter and started un-banning folks, guess I wasn’t important enough. I love what he is doing with the place though.
    Facistbook banned me over a year ago and never felt better. I joined Parler when it was rather new and I myself gained plenty of followers and had a verification badge so no one was able to claim they were me. Then AWS came along and wiped it off the internet. I joined a couple other social media site but was never happy. Along came Truth Social and so I joined up. I joined GETTR and also got verified and can do live broadcast. I also have my presence on Rumble. I do view your material on that platform.
    I know X is much larger but don’t forget the “other” places in the social media sphere.
    Until then I will keep up on the DML app.
    Love you and your family
    Don Horner

  13. KUDOS for your strong moral compass. You remain my most trusted source for news on the web. God bless.

  14. What about Truth Social, I got tossed out of Twitter the same day President Trump did and after many appeals they have still refused me, I never received an explanation of what I did wrong, still will not reinstate me, many people are still rejected, some are on TS, also some on Substack, Thank you for everything, I still have the DML app

  15. DML I am glad you kicked the fake-book can down the road and off a cliff. I left them more than 5 years ago. I was in fake-book jail more than I was out. I could no longer stand giving money to phuckerberg. That pig is an opportunist. When he gifts himself a $300 million yacht, he doesn’t need my money or anyone elses money. May he be on a sinking ship the next time he goes yachting on his $300 million new toy. No one would even miss the prick.

  16. Hi DML, I shut Facebook off years ago because of to much hate! I only count on your truthful news every day, and I thank you! Never watch any news on tv because of their lies. You are so passionate about our country and the direction we are going. God has blessed you in many ways. Always be grateful! God help our country!

  17. I canceled/deleted my FB account right after Biden stole the election. I spent way too much time on it just getting pissed off with all of the liberal BS and being attacked for my own views and comments. I do believe my mental health has improved since I left FB.

  18. Here! Here!
    I left fakebook over a year ago. I only follow you on the app.
    The only thing I don’t have is “X” so I might try it.

    Good for you. Great speech!
    F*ck Fakebook and all the demonrats.

    Let’s get Trump elected another way.
    Pray Trump accepts your invitation.
    Way to go,DML!!

  19. Thank you DML! I respect you a lot for getting off FB! I’m doing everything else you suggested and getting close to dumping FB too. I have been censored and put in their stupid fb jail so many times and there’s no recourse and no idea what I even did most times. Really good article too.

  20. Unfortunately I can’t move to X just yet, but since I am not tech savvy, what happens to photos, etc saved from FB? I have a lot of flags, sunsets, vintage hockey and truck stuff that I will never be able to get back if I lose them.

  21. I’m following you on now and
    Others on Twitter and have had your app for a while and subscribed to your newsletter about a year ago! I am staying on FB just to keep up with a few friends and family but trying to get on there just once a day now to check for their social posts.

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