(Commenting on)  REACTION: NYT piece on ‘dangers’ of The Constitution slammed by Joe Rogan, Elon Musk



  1. The only thing dangerous about The Constitution is that the left is trying to get rid of it! 🇺🇸 WWG1WGA

  2. All you have to do is just look at her and you know she is mentally deranged. Even an elementary school kid knows the importamce of the Constitution.

  3. Typical libTARD commie Canadian, always running their big TARD mouth on how we Americans should live. Interesting how so many of these clowns either live here or vacation here. F’n shills. Like to see another wall built.

  4. WTF, get the hell out of the US and flee back to canada where you were born. We don’t need dumb bimbo bitches like you demeaning our Constitution. Do us all a favor, leave and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. You can drive to canada in hours from new york. Get the hell out of the US.

  5. So a person from another country ( and one that is taking away it’s citizens rights) is slamming our constitution?
    Who printed the story is my concern. The new York Times used to be trusted.

  6. The communist liberals, no matter where they are from, always want to tear our Constitution to shreds. Wish Mark Levin could discuss this with them. Best Constitutional lawyer I have ever heard.

    • More like infiltration from without! The NYT importing of opinions they agree with but are afraid to publish as their own. Sad ass LibTard DemoncRats!!!

  7. I’m a proud Canadian and lefty liberals like this are really a huge cause for concern. What a huge embarrassment to Canada. These people should all be rounded up and sent to the mental institutions where they belong. I want to see pushback from the Canadian government.

  8. I used to say the Leftist loony demnuts but now I must admit, not all Democrats are demnuts, many are leaving their party. New name, Leftist loony libtards. The Constitution is a binding document from the people and its government, its the best contract ever written and has protected and provided the people its God given rights. These politicians that want to tare it up and rewrite it in their own beliefs should be removed from office and never allowed in any roll in government again. Our constitution and the American people are under attack from within and November must be like the Boston Tea party and start the cleansing of our government.

  9. It is a threat to New World Order and their plans to take over the world. We are standing in their way with our Constitution.

  10. That bitch isn’t even American!!!! Why are we supposed to give her “writings” any weight?!??🤔🤔🤔🤔
    I call bullshit!!!!

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