(Commenting on)  PROPOSAL: Trump Calls for Largest Deportation in History



    • With all these illegal votes, how are we going to win a rigged election that will be way worse then 2020? People should be on guard from start to finish with this election.

      • I fully agree with you. That is Biden and the democrats plan all along. To be able to get more votes. To rig and cheat again.

  1. Trump wasn’t the first person to say we’re going to have a terror attack on the mainland. Chris Wray already testified that the “red lights are going off all over”!! So, he’s right….again.

  2. I fear the mass deportation will trickle down to just deporting hardcore gang members and some terrorists. The tattooed gangster fro Honduras or the terrorist from Yemen make great headlines if they are caught and deported but they represent a very minute section of illegal aliens.

    Americans are mostly affected by the illegal aliens that Democrats describe as “contributing people”. They contribute by working in jobs that Americans should have. These same “peaceful” illegals produce huge anchor families that suck off the tit of entitlement programs, free medical care, tax pid subsidies. These “contributors” also turn in their annual tax forms to obtain huge refunds while paying zero income tax.

    President Trump, most of your team are idiots when it comes to immigration. Hire people like Mr Dennis Lynch or me. Here is what you should do for mass deportation:

    1. Seal the border. Implement “stay in Mexico”

    2. Sign an emergency order and cancel the contiguous nation clause. This way any illegal alien crossing in from Canada or Mexico can be immediately turned around and catapulted back into Mexico.

    3. Implement E Verify nationally with mandatory prison for employers who offend.

    4. Start working on canceling birthright citizenship.

    5. Stop ALL immigration including legal.

    6. Convert the 80,000 IRS agents into ICE deportation task force.

    7. STOP all Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SJIS)!!! This is the backdoor for any illegal alien under the age of 21 to obtain legal status by a USA permanent residency. The litmus test to qualify is easier than picking your nose. Cancel all SIJS that are in progress and retroactive!

    8. Cancel all TPS especially the El Salvador TPS which has been running for almost 20 years now.

    9. Remove all benefits from companies that hire H1B immigrant employees.

    10. Deputize and publicly announce that all law enforcement officers are now authorized to enforce Federal immigration laws.

    11. Initiate aggressive interior field enforcement. This includes unannounced checkpoints, onboard inspecting of planes, trains, buses, ferries. Wait outside embassies like the Mexican, Guatemalan embassy and snag the illegals as they come and go. Aggressively pursue construction sites, warehouses, machine tooling shops, RV vehicle fab sites, landscaping companies, home improvement companies—-inspect arrest and deport the illegals. Make a huge example by vigilantly hitting sanctuary states.

    12. Aggressively screen through county and state jails looking for illegal aliens. Tag them and ensure they are deported when their sentence is over.

    13. Aggressively surveil, wait and grab illegal aliens as they come and go from the courthouse.

    14. Sanction any financial institution with monster size fines for allowing illegal aliens to use their services.

    15. Cancel and invalidate ALL tax ID numbers that are being used by illegal aliens to complete their annual fraudulent taxes. They never pay taxes but submit these to receive refunds.

    16. Cancel and suspend ALL immigration adjustment proceedings. This means anyone who has a permanent residence app in progress or adjustment of status will have to wait until the Trump admin filters out all the bogus claims.

    17. Freeze any and all business/personal bank accounts of illegal aliens. The funds will be unfrozen and the entire balance will be paid to the illegal alien only when they are verified to have left the USA.

    18. Calculate and send a bill to illegal aliens who have illegal alien children in our public schools. They must reimburse the tax payer for what they have stolen. They can pay out of pocket for private schools.

    19. Cancel all federal funding to colleges that are providing free scholarships to illegal aliens.

    20. Offer rewards for citizens to turn in illegal aliens.

    21. Sign into law that any property owner who rents or sells property to an illegal alien will be prosecuted, fined and jailed. Their property will them be seized for asset forfeiture.

    22. Set aside a Federal fund where fines, assets seized from illegal aliens, assets seized from illegal alien abettors are collected and stored. This fund will be used for Angel parents and victims of illegal aliens.

    23. Identify nations that are major exporters of illegal aliens and freeze their national accounts, levy fines, stop financial aid, set tariffs of 80%.

    24. Identify all business donors and NGOs that are part of the illegal alien trafficking ring. Initiate financial fraud investigation on the businesses and remove all 501c tax relief from the NGOs.

    ***The basic premise to succeed in mass deportation is:
    A. Set the tone
    B. Publicly announce the start of mass deport policies
    C. Cut off illegal aliens from finances, housing and jobs
    D.Maintain the pressure to starve out the illegal aliens to weaken their resolve, compelling many to leave on their own
    E. Maintain constant and regular interior inspections and raids.
    F. Maintain an aggressive legal/civil team to thwart and handle ACLU, activists.

    • I agree with most all you suggested. However we all know once Trump starts the process the lawsuits will begin.
      How Biden and his administration has been allowed to have our country invaded is beyond me. People forget Kamala is the border czar appointed by Biden… Their first job is to protect the American people. They have failed and the Republicans have let them…

  3. The law is the law . It’s an Invasion and we haven’t seen the consequences yet ,trouble is brewing. Trump can’t be elected Soon enough. We the people 🇺🇸 Trump 2024 🇺🇸 .

  4. Yes and dont be surprised if it happens just before November.
    DEMONCRAPS don’t want to loose power.

  5. Yesterday I read that Trump will stop welfare and all the other freebies that the invaders are getting. That alone will cause many to self-deport. After all, those who aren’t criminals or terrorists are people coming here solely to loot this country. I’m 100% for cutting off all assistance. We can’t afford it. Current estimates of how much these invaders are costing the US so far is over a trillion bucks … which we’ve had to borrow or print fiat money. Give them rides on cruise ships or military C17 transport planes where mass numbers can be removed at one time.

    I have a feeling that he will allow families to stay… after DNA tests prove relationships. But all these single adult men? Their asylum claims can be trashed just by them arriving alone and leaving wives and kids back home in what would be a threat situation. However you try to spin it, the single Jen are not here to do service to our country- just the opposite.

    • Those were immigrants that came here legally, had a place to sleep, had a job lined up, had a sponsor to help them. What is this trash coming here now. Hundreds of thousands of thugs, thieves, and murderers released from prisons of these other countries. Lucky America, we get them all. Of course we can survive without thugs. Illegal thugs already have a strike against them. They came here and broke our law by doing so. We survived before the scum sucking joe biden was selected.

    • People with your type of attitude are the ones supporting the destruction of America.

    • When my ancestors came here, they were checked for diseases, didn’t parasite off of govt assistance , learned English and didn’t come here waving their homeland flag-UNLIKE WHAT ILLEGALS are doing now. Besides it’s unfair for ppl who Brent through the process and came here legally.

  6. Your Narrative that slaves built this country is just not correct yes slavery did exist but existed for the fewest rich land owners.

  7. Oh it’s inevitable. The deep state Cabal is losing their fight and will be creating a big scare event, unfortunately A lot of people could be harmed! They could care less! Just pray!!!🙏🏻

  8. Barry probably can’t survive without a handout from the government, Yes people do need help sometimes, that’s why those programs exist. But there is so much Waste, Abuse and Fraud, that people have lost their incentive to work, and that’s what the Democrats want,People dependent on them .

  9. I fear the mass deportation will trickle down to just deporting hardcore gang members and some terrorists. The tattooed gangster fro Honduras or the terrorist from Yemen make great headlines if they are caught and deported but they represent a very minute section of illegal aliens.

    Americans are mostly affected by the illegal aliens that Democrats describe as “contributing people”. They contribute by working in jobs that Americans should have. These same “peaceful” illegals produce huge anchor families that suck off the tit of entitlement programs, free medical care, tax pid subsidies. These “contributors” also turn in their annual tax forms to obtain huge refunds while paying zero income tax.

    President Trump, most of your team are idiots when it comes to immigration. Hire people like Mr Dennis Lynch or me. Here is what you should do for mass deportation:

    1. Seal the border. Implement “stay in Mexico”

    2. Sign an emergency order and cancel the contiguous nation clause. This way any illegal alien crossing in from Canada or Mexico can be immediately turned around and catapulted back into Mexico.

    3. Implement E Verify nationally with mandatory prison for employers who offend.

    4. Start working on canceling birthright citizenship.

    5. Stop ALL immigration including legal.

    6. Convert the 80,000 IRS agents into ICE deportation task force.

    7. STOP all Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SJIS)!!! This is the backdoor for any illegal alien under the age of 21 to obtain legal status by a USA permanent residency. The litmus test to qualify is easier than picking your nose. Cancel all SIJS that are in progress and retroactive!

    8. Cancel all TPS especially the El Salvador TPS which has been running for almost 20 years now.

    9. Remove all benefits from companies that hire H1B immigrant employees.

    10. Deputize and publicly announce that all law enforcement officers are now authorized to enforce Federal immigration laws.

    11. Initiate aggressive interior field enforcement. This includes unannounced checkpoints, onboard inspecting of planes, trains, buses, ferries. Wait outside embassies like the Mexican, Guatemalan embassy and snag the illegals as they come and go. Aggressively pursue construction sites, warehouses, machine tooling shops, RV vehicle fab sites, landscaping companies, home improvement companies—-inspect arrest and deport the illegals. Make a huge example by vigilantly hitting sanctuary states.

    12. Aggressively screen through county and state jails looking for illegal aliens. Tag them and ensure they are deported when their sentence is over.

    13. Aggressively surveil, wait and grab illegal aliens as they come and go from the courthouse.

    14. Sanction any financial institution with monster size fines for allowing illegal aliens to use their services.

    15. Cancel and invalidate ALL tax ID numbers that are being used by illegal aliens to complete their annual fraudulent taxes. They never pay taxes but submit these to receive refunds.

    16. Cancel and suspend ALL immigration adjustment proceedings. This means anyone who has a permanent residence app in progress or adjustment of status will have to wait until the Trump admin filters out all the bogus claims.

    17. Freeze any and all business/personal bank accounts of illegal aliens. The funds will be unfrozen and the entire balance will be paid to the illegal alien only when they are verified to have left the USA.

    18. Calculate and send a bill to illegal aliens who have illegal alien children in our public schools. They must reimburse the tax payer for what they have stolen. They can pay out of pocket for private schools.

    19. Cancel all federal funding to colleges that are providing free scholarships to illegal aliens.

    20. Offer rewards for citizens to turn in illegal aliens.

    21. Sign into law that any property owner who rents or sells property to an illegal alien will be prosecuted, fined and jailed. Their property will them be seized for asset forfeiture.

    22. Set aside a Federal fund where fines, assets seized from illegal aliens, assets seized from illegal alien abettors are collected and stored. This fund will be used for Angel parents and victims of illegal aliens.

    23. Identify nations that are major exporters of illegal aliens and freeze their national accounts, levy fines, stop financial aid, set tariffs of 80%.

    24. Identify all business donors and NGOs that are part of the illegal alien trafficking ring. Initiate financial fraud investigation on the businesses and remove all 501c tax relief from the NGOs.

  10. DEPORT THEM ALL. I don’t care if they contributed to this country. If you came here illegally, then you need to go back to whence you came.

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