(Commenting on)  Pro-Palestine protesters clashed with the NYPD during a demonstration in Manhattan



  1. Talking about INSURRECTIONIST these HAMAS/PALESTINIAN sympathizers are a prime example. And what will happen to them…NOTHING!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  2. Complaints of use of force? Like them using force to get past barricades to get closer? Let Secret Service put them down.

  3. Pro-Palestine protesters are getting way more than out of hand. They need to be arrested or deported to Palestine if they are so faithful. This should have never gotten this far. Sinful!

  4. Lock this trash up and throw away the keys! NOW! They are the enemy! They want Us dead! They would cheer another 911! Make an example out of this filth!

  5. Biden might be a doddering old fool but he is still president. If course the police did everything necessary to keep them out of the presidents event.
    Police aren’t near brutal enough in cases like this

  6. Israel is indiscriminately dropping bombs on civilians! Funny, you don’t hear anything about terrorists being killed, just about women and children and Old Men. So who really is Israel killing?


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