(Commenting on)  PRICEY PLACES: Rent prices climb to new highs under Biden-Harris



  1. Where in Calif is rent that cheap. My place is just a common home nothing fancy. 3500 a month. Just average around here. Of course my Edison bill was $500 again this month. And I didn’t run the air much. Grilling amazing

  2. My rent in Alabama is over 1800.00 and the newbies coming in now are paying over 2000.00 for 2/2. I have a lot of military near me too.
    Where are they getting rent in California that cheap? I was out there visiting in April and no where did I hear from our Realtor friend is what that cheap.
    The rents are waaaaay higher. I can’t afford to retire and soon I’ll be searching for a cheaper place (if that’s even possible). That’s why there are so many evictions.
    That survey is so wrong. A demonrat must have done it. They are brain dead to start with.

    Trump. Trump. Trump.

  3. EVERYTHING is horrible. Just month to month to hope items don’t raise so can pay bills and eat next month. But as Hillary stated: ” She (Harris) actually doesn’t just have policies and concepts. She has plans about what to do.” Just very scary plans. Trump 2024 or America is lost.

  4. That is a lie about Ca. You can’t even get a studio for that price. Add a thousand and that is what you pay for a studio in Los Angeles.


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