(Commenting on)  PRESS SEC asked if Biden has dementia, gives one word answer



  1. To borrow one of her bosses’ favorite expressions KJP is a “lying dogface pony show”

  2. She is lying and she knows it. All democrats knows it, all liberals knows it, all Americans knows it, but the WH and Democrats are going to lied and will not accept it because they don’t plan to lose power. They are planning to cheat again, Obama and Soros want another term to finish the job: complete the destruction of the US and for that they need Biden!

  3. How does she know for certain if he hasn’t had a cognitive test? Can she prove that answer?

  4. When Trump’s memory issues came into questions he voluntarily has evaluations done to prove he was fine and to shut up the media. Biden has to our knowledge refused.
    What pisses me off is the media is pretending this is a new revelation. We have watched Bidens inability to even read from a teleprompter. Walk on and off stage. Are they going to put an escalator entering air force one?
    Stop asking if Biden should be running for president and ask if Biden is capable of being president now!!. We have been saying this from the very beginning of his term, I’m shocked he has lasted this long.
    Biden to my knowledge has not had any questions without knowledge of what will be asked ahead of time. He uses note cards or teleprompter always, his engagements are few he has handlers always. Just ask the Easter Bunny. How many times has Biden said he can’t continue because he will get in trouble.
    Yet the Dems talking points and the liberal media are now telling you that it is Trump with dementia. Could that be what their plan is after Biden drops out? Trump also has dementia you need to vote for our new person?
    Also the Dems and liberal medias new strategy of Trump is going to get revenge in all his political rivals.
    To my knowledge Obama is the first president to weaponize in plain site, the IRS to go after the Republicans.then Biden weaponized everything he could to take down Trump. Yes I’m sure both parties have abused their power however these evil people do not care who knows it.. remember what they accuse you of is because they are doing it! It’s so apparent it feels like a comedy show.
    The press secretary will just deny later that she is also shocked as you are to learn Biden is suffering from mental issues. Americans need to wake up! We are allowing this. We should be raising hell, protesting, calling our officials everyday and demanding Biden be removed from office

  5. The other guy is she kidding me. They blame everything on Trump. Everything they are guilty of they try to turn it on Trump. The reporter should have said but Trump took a cognitive test has President Biden? They don’t know how to push back.

  6. She or “it” is one dumb ignorant liar 🤥 that fits perfectly in this administration, pathetic.

  7. It’s hard to believe that they are trying to cover up what everyone witnessed with their own eyes… including all of our adversaries. Nevermind the election. Biden is a threat to our national security!

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